Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Her Tears Are Stars

It's been a crazy few weeks with the Albuquerque Comic Expo, still getting settled in to our new house, painting live in downtown Fort Collins every weekend for Streetmosphere, and working on commissions. I know it may seem weird to take a break from art by making more art, but sometimes that's exactly what I do. Every once in a while I need to do something that is just for the sake of making art, and that's what this piece is.

I call this one "Her Tears Are Stars" and it is 5"x7" colored pencil on illustration board. It's been a while since I've made anything in the psychedelic style, so that was really the only theme I had in mind.

There is more information about this piece HERE.

Thoughts and comments welcomed.

God bless,
Bryan A. Collins

Twitter - @useeverycolor
Facebook - www.facebook.com/bryancollinsart
Shop for art at www.bryancollins.etsy.com

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