Thursday, April 21, 2011

Proof of Faith Book - 1st Hard Copy

After nearly a year of writing, rewriting, deleting the whole thing and starting over, I finally have a copy of "Proof of Faith" in my hands. I am very excited for this release, and also quite impressed with the quality of the book itself. The colors came out so bold and crisp. The black and white pieces even look incredibly sharp!

If you have pre-ordered the book, you will be receiving your copy shortly, along with your exclusive limited edition print. If you missed out on the pre-orders, don't let that stop you from getting your own copy of my very first book. There are 130 paintings, illustrations, and custom figures to accompany the candid story of my failures and successes on the road to becoming a full-time artist.

In this book I share some personal struggles and secrets. I discuss what happened to me during the times I had no creative outlet, and why I now have no choice but to make art. You will read about the first time I fell in love with art and the first time I decided I hated it. You will also hear about why I'd rather be poor and happy than rich and unhappy, and what that sentiment really means.

When you place your order at either Etsy or Bigcartel, please specify if you would like your copy signed or not. Enjoy the book and please post your comments and reviews when you get your copy.

God bless,

Bryan A. Collins
Twitter - @useeverycolor
Facebook -

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